If you have not read information on how our sliding scale works please click here!
*All add-ons must be purchased with a vegetable share*
CSA Marketplace
"We really loved this CSA and will be back for years to come. Being able to visit the farm each week and know that the bulk of our food comes from someone so close to our apartment is something we really enjoyed and we’re excited to teach our daughter about it."
"Love you guys. Every Wednesday was like Christmas. Hope to see you all next year when maybe I will get a double flower share..."
"I am so proud of BK Grange for adopting the sliding scale CSA method. I've always wanted to join a CSA in the past, but was overwhelmed by the cost of many of them. Having the opportunity to participate at a price point that felt reasonable for me was such a blessing. Also, every time I would talk about our CSA at markets and mention how it was sliding scale, this would make people so happy. Fresh veggies deserve to be enjoyed by all and I think y'all nailed it on the head with this new program."
"Tomatoes! Basil! Also, Eggplant - I really learned to cook eggplant this summer. The Habanada Peppers were also a fan favorite."
"It was really helpful to have options and the weekly emails with recipes when items were unfamiliar."
"Visiting the farm was something we looked forward to each week."