Please scroll down to self-identify for your sliding scale tier and then sign-up below!

Our CSA runs for 23 weeks (late May-October) providing you access to fresh and delicious vegetables as well as the opportunity to get to know the farm and the farmers that grew them. Shares are valued at $32 and offered on a sliding scale along with flexible payment plan options and we accept SNAP benefits.


Late May - October | 23-weeks long | Weekly pick-ups

Our CSA gives farmers the ability to grow food directly for our neighbors; ensuring access to local, environmentally responsible grown produce on a sliding scale for our community. Each week, farmers harvest a share of the most seasonally ripe vegetables for members to pick up from the farm. We encourage our members to feel empowered by your CSA! The sliding scale model invites you to choose your price point based on your income and access to wealth, practicing economic solidarity with your community because fresh food should be a right and not a privilege! Not sure which tier is the best fit for you? Scroll down to learn about our payment options and how to sign up!

We would like to thank the farmers at Soul Fire Farm, Rock Steady Farm, and Zenger Farm for their inspiration and guidance in creating this sliding scale model.

  • Brooklyn Navy Yard Farm: Tuesdays, 4pm-7pm

    Don’t live near BNY? Check out our Harvest Share program in Sunset Park!

  • Tuesday, May 20th - October 21st

  • Our shares are extremely seasonal, offering a balanced diet as mother nature intended it! We recommend them for one person who cooks vegetarian meals at home most nights, two people who cook omnivorous meals 3-4 nights a week, or to supplement the shopping needs of a larger residence. Below are sample shares and you’ll notice that in spring shares tend to trend towards leafy greens like salad mixes, kale and herbs, while in midsummer nightshades and cucurbits rule, and fall sees more root veggies and hardy greens.

    Spring/early summer: Lettuce mix, chives, hakurei turnips, bok choy, french breakfast radishes, green garlic, lacinato kale, sunflower shoots

    Mid/late summer: Heirloom tomatoes, basil, arugula, shishito peppers, cucumbers, onions, fairytale eggplant, rainbow chard

    Late season: Greens mix, carrots, jalapeños, radishes, onions, sprouting broccoli, radicchio, sweet bell pepper

We now offer Flexible Payment Plans for every tier!

We understand that everyone has to navigate finances in one way or another and we are committed to supporting each individual to access any tier with options. Our Flexible Payment Plans (FPP) splits the seasonal fee into 2 installments. See below for details:

Solidarity and Low/Income Wealth Shares

If you are signing up for a ‘Low Income/Wealth’ or ‘Solidarity Share*’ , you can opt for our Flexible Payment Plan (FPP). You'll pay the first half of your share today and the second on the 11th week of the CSA. This applies to add-on products as well.

*Flexible Payment Plan Code (for Low Income/Wealth $ Solidarity Shares only): FLEXPAY2025

*Looking to sign-up for a Solidarity Share but need more time to make payment? Use the code SOLIDARITY2025 to reserve your share until 3/31 when your first payment will be due.

Mid, Upper and Contributor Shares

If you are signing up for a ‘Mid-, Upper Income/Wealth’ or ‘Contributor Share’ , you can opt for our Flexible Payment Plan (FPP). You'll pay the first half of your share today and the second half by 5/6/25; two weeks before the program begins. This applies to add-on products as well.

*Flexible Payment Plan Code (for Mid-, Upper Income/Wealth’ or ‘Contributor Share only): HALFNOW2025

SNAP Shares

If you receive SNAP benefits and are signing up for a SNAP Share, you will make weekly payments throughout the season. And great news! We are now CSA is a SNAP partners which means we can offer 50% off our market price share! Please use the discount code SNAPPEAS2025 at checkout and fill out this form with your EBT information. We’ll reach out to you via email or phone shortly after.

If you have any questions or would like some support registering, please e-mail us at: CSA@brooklyngrangefarm.com


  • Item $368 for the season ($16 per week)

    • Please use the discount code SNAPPEAS2025 at checkout and fill out this form with your EBT information. We’ll reach out to you via email or phone shortly after.

  • $386 for the season ($16.80 per week)

    • We offer a flexible payment plan which splits the seasonal fee into 2 installments. You'll pay the first half of your share today and the second on the 11th week of the CSA.

    Checkout Code: FLEXPAY2025

    • Need more time to make payment? Use the code SOLIDARITY2025 to reserve your share until 3/31 when your first payment will be due.

      Checkout Code: SOLIDARITY2025

    • SNAP recipients! *NEW* Please sign-up for our SNAP SHARE to receive 50% off our market price!

  • $515 for the season ($22.40 per week)

    • We offer a flexible payment plan which splits the seasonal fee into 2 installments. You'll pay the first half of your share today and the second on the 11th week of the CSA. Checkout Code: FLEXPAY2025

    • SNAP recipients! *NEW* Please sign-up for our SNAP SHARE to receive 50% off our market price!

  • $736 for the season ($32.00 per week )

    • *NEW!* We offer a flexible payment plan which splits the seasonal fee into 2 installments. You'll pay the first half of your share today and the second on May 6th, two weeks before the program starts. Checkout Code: HALFNOW2025

  • $883 for the season ($38.40 per week )

    • *NEW!* We offer a flexible payment plan which splits the seasonal fee into 2 installments. You'll pay the first half of your share today and the second on May 6th, two weeks before the program starts. Checkout Code: HALFNOW2025

  • $1,030 for the season ($44.80 per week)

    • *NEW!* We offer a flexible payment plan which splits the seasonal fee into 2 installments. You'll pay the first half of your share today and the second on May 6th, two weeks before the program starts. Checkout Code: HALFNOW2025

A few ways to assess more wealth and earning powers:

  • Part-time work by choice

  • Own a home

  • Recreational travel and/or discretionary expenses like dining out, entertainment, etc

  • Inherited money and access to family money in time of need (family wealth)

  • Investments (stocks, bonds)

  • Higher education that gives you a higher earning power (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.). Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, we ask you to recognize when this is a choice and consider contributing more


Our sliding scale is meant to empower our community and requires active participation. We trust members to choose the share level that best represents your unique, individual situation and financial resources. By self-identifying your own access to income and wealth, each member is committing to contribute the same percentage of income on food. We encourage you to use the resources below to help you make your decision.

A few ways to assess less wealth and earning powers:

  • Supporting children or have other dependents

  • Medical expenses (partially covered or not covered by insurance), chronic illness (prohibits you from your potential earning powers) or rehabilitation fees

  • Significant (non-mortgage) debt

  • Immigration fees

  • Impacted by state violence (Trans folks, refugees, asylum seekers, and injustice in our criminal system)

  • Are a senior citizen

This calculator is based off of the Economic Policy Institute’s (EPI) Family Budget Calculator, which measures the income a family needs in order to attain a modest yet adequate standard of living.


  1. Input your income in the calculator (RIGHT) for general guidance on which share to choose.

  2. Assess your non-income related wealth and adjust your share as needed.

  3. Sign up below!


“[farmer] was super passionate about the produce + about cooking and I always felt so inspired to cook all kinds of fun dishes after our conversations. They never made me feel intimidated about the new produce I was learning about or silly for asking very basic questions. I looked forward to our conversations and really appreciated that warmth on Tuesday evenings after a long work day for both of us!”
"We really loved this CSA and will be back for years to come. Being able to visit the farm each week and know that the bulk of our food comes from someone so close to our apartment is something we really enjoyed and we’re excited to teach our daughter about it."

"I love the staff and the pick up experience. Having a chance to escape to an urban oasis each Tuesday with the likelihood of chatting with Abdul or Gareth was really wonderful. I also felt appreciative of [the farmers] knowing my name! "

"I am so proud of BK Grange for adopting the sliding scale CSA method. I've always wanted to join a CSA in the past, but was overwhelmed by the cost of many of them. Having the opportunity to participate at a price point that felt reasonable for me was such a blessing. Also, every time I would talk about our CSA at markets and mention how it was sliding scale, this would make people so happy. Fresh veggies deserve to be enjoyed by all and I think y'all nailed it on the head with this new program."

"I love the variety and intentionality of the crops selected, plus the thoughtful emails that balance heart and useful tidbits. Amazing farmers!"

"Visiting the farm was something we looked forward to each week."